martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Advances in VidaNueva New Campus.

I am writing this post to let you know about what God has been doing this past 3 months and a half with our work in Vida Nueva Managua new campus.

God has taken us to meet new families to start with discipleship. By discipleship we are not referring just to 12 lessons that we have to finish, but a process where we transmit God´s love through the Bible study and sincerely friendship.

Here are some photos (Click the pictures)

Martha Cruz and her daugther Jessica and her boyfriend Jimmy

 Leo and Susy Quezada, We met them through april`s mission trip

 Yehudy and Clarissa Molina. The just to be our neighbours 

Toribio and his wife Jessica. We met them through the small group.

Carlos y Elizabeth Vilchez, they have been part of the small group openning their house.

We also started a small group with some families every Wednesday night; we study the Bible together to grow in God´s ways spending a great time in family. We really hope God could let us meet more Nicaraguan people to show them His love and His word. 

Here are some photos from wednesdays:
(Click on the pictures)

Please keep praying for VidaNueva Managua´s new campus, we ask God for spiritual and numerical growth to glorify Him, pray for me and my wife Miri, we ask God to give us spiritual growth and love to continue working for His purpose.
Right now we are getting ready for August Mission trip, we are going to have missionaries from El Salvador and United States.

If you want to contribute in any way please get in touch with me at Facebook or E – mail:

God is faithful and good.

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